Concierge case management may include and expand upon our traditional placement service.
- It may also be utilized for our clients whose circumstances dictate an increased, decreased or modified level of care. Rather than expect our clients to fit into one model of service regardless of what they need, we provide customized expertise and support tailored to their unique circumstance. In some scenarios, a case may require particular sensitivity due to the client’s public profile. In others, a traditional placement may transition into our concierge level of care. The fee structure is determined on a case by case basis. It can also accommodate the needs of one, several or all family members and the variety of needs that may arise over time. The decision to offer Concierge Services is made on a case by case basis.
Examples of our Concierge Case Management include:
- Serving as a Therapeutic Concierge for a family, with each member having their unique needs addressed whenever required.
- Providing case management when a client is already enrolled in a program or ready to leave a program yet would benefit from our support services such as treatment planning, problem solving, case monitoring, advocacy and communication with family in the months following discharge.
- When a case is better served charging for time vs. a set fee.